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Artistic Voice in Grad School and Connections

“You can't be what you can't see.” Marian Wright Edelman

When it comes to grad school students are in two categories; First, the ones that already have their own artistic voice and the second categories are those who are still struggling to find their voice. In the followings I will explain their goals of considering grad school and the importance of making connections in grad school. they come to grad school; it is a time that they are ready to present their works to public and need school and professors for making that to happen.

1. Students with artistic voice;

  1. They might consider teaching so for that having MFA is required and are considering a way to support their art career.

  2. They come to grad school to present their works to public and make more connections.

  3. They do not have problem with ideas for making and furthering their works still want to gain more knowledge in other interdisciplinary to vast their medium.

1. Students who are still struggling to find their voice;

  1. They might also consider teaching, so for that having MFA is required.

  2. They would love to be guided through what they are making to find their own voice.

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